Metroid Dread Samus Aran 583 Figma Review

It felt inevitable that a Figma would appear for Samus in her Dread suit - and so it has! It took a while, preorders opened at around November 2022 and it was released almost a year later.
Here's a quick review with our thoughts.

Firstly, the box feels quite premium. This is one of the latest Figmas I've reviewed. Usually they have an open, plastic window, allowing one to view the contents.

This one is in a matte black box. Sliding it open reveals a more traditional looking package.

The contents unpacked:

Inside we have the suited-up Samus, a morph ball, two left hands, the rocket launcher mechanism and a classic Figma stand. Finally, the party piece - a Spider Magnet base to pose Samus as if on a wall (the blue square). 

Here are some full body shots. It looks like she's floating in some of them. Possibly a trick of the light, or perhaps I actually didn't rest her properly from the stand.

Posing is typically tricky. Looking back at some of my shots, I got some of the poses wrong. There's plenty of potential in how to pose her. The manufacturer used flexible plastic and high quality joints to allow a variety of poses. 

The box gives some ideas but even the easy looking poses require a level of care and finesse that I don't have. Also, I struggle with posing it anatomically correct. Be assured that this product will allow you to do that!

Lastly, some words on the Spider Base. The hand and the boot are attached to the base. You need to then attach Samus to that, then stick it to a magnetic surface.

Here's my attempt at using a biscuit tin for this. It was too small to get proper purchase, but a larger, more solid piece of metal should do the trick. I didn't have anything around that would allow me to demonstrate this better, and that got me thinking. What would you use to pose and display this safely?

I do think that the magnets are strong enough (on the right surface) but I am wary about displaying it like this. It's a cool option to have though!

In conclusion, if you like Metroid (or just the way this looks), get it! Prices of all collectibles have gone up over the years, but I still feel that there is good value to be had in Good Smile's Figmas.

Here are some other Metroid figurine reviews I did. I love this franchise and it's hard to believe the first Figma review was way back in 2012!

Varia Suit Samus Figma 133

Zero Suit Samus Figma 306

Zero Suit Samus 1/8 Figurine

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