Metroid Dread: Special Edition Unboxing


It's almost surreal to be talking about a completely new Metroid game, but here we are! Let's have a quick look at what's in the special edition box.

The box is extra large to accommodate the artbook and other goodies. Here's a quick look at the back of the box:

 Some awesome artwork, with no annoying text to spoil it!

The top of the box slides off, similar to many other special edition Switch games.

The SteelBook is on the left. On the right is an envelope containing five holographic cards (one for each 2D Metroid game).

Some inspired artwork on the SteelBook. I love that Nintendo provide both the SteelBook and the regular game case. I've noticed this happen for several of the limited edition Ninty games I own. I know some collectors like to have the original case, but special editions often exclude. Here we have both!

Here are the five, shiny art cards

They all feel heavy and smooth. Mine came slightly curled up, out the box. I dig the way they look!

Finally, we have the artbook. It's about the size of a standard sheet of A4 paper in landscape (when closed). It's hardcover, has a nice matte cover and fine-grained, matte paper. The prints really show up well on it.

There's art from the previous games, but the majority seems to be from Dread. There is character, enemy, location and miscellaneous artwork in the 190 pages.

I love this Norfair spread:

I like the way this image blends in with my backdrop:

So there you have it! I'm sure hardcore Metroid fans have already pre-ordered it. I think it's well worth the asking price. I've seen some scalpers try their luck on this already, I hate supporting that kind of behaviour, but I can understand the demand for something like this.

Irrespective of whether you can (or already have this Special Edition), I do urge you to buy this game. I haven't even played it yet but this franchise deserves more love and attention!

See you next mission!

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